Alexandra Reedwing, First Year, of Penniluff,
Henry Hannelow, Third Year, of Dracoslyther, and
Aria Drace, also Third Year, also of Dracoslyther." She gestured to the three students.
Shiina's mouth fell open at Aria. She was the exact replica of Gwen. Farwill smiled grimly at her reaction. This was, actually, the exact replica of Gwen. She was Gwendolyn Black reincarnated.
Bryn's mouth fell open, not because of Aria but because of Alexa. Her cousin. Her stupid, annoying, full-of-herself cousin. Why did she have to be here? She thought her mother's brother lived in Australia! What was she doing here?
Knapp, not noticing these things, continued on smiling. "Please welcome them!"
The entire Hall erupted in applause and cheers.
"Enjoy your feast!"
"Yay!" all the people of the school hollered.
The entire Hall erupted in applause and cheers.
"Enjoy your feast!"
"Yay!" all the people of the school hollered.
Shiina narrowed her eyes and looked down at her food, which suddenly did not look so appetizing. How could this be? She thought. Another Gwen?
ReplyDeleteBryn then turned her eyes on Aria, and her eyes stretched wide. Could it be? No, the girl was noticeably younger, and her cheekbones were higher, her hair was shorter and glossier. But they were so alike that she thought... Bryn's gaze turned to Farwill, panicked. The professor gave her a slight nod. She nearly fainted, but then looked to Shiina, her eyes narrowed, shooting out telepathic thoughts to her friend, only hoping that she would understand.
ReplyDeleteDamien choked on his food as he stared at Aria who was looking right back at him, fire in her eyes. "You there! Stop staring at me, idiot!" She shouted at him from across the room, triggering stares and snickers. Damien looked quickly away, embarrassed.
Shiina stared at everybody for a minute, then looked up at Bryn. She raised her eyebrows as she looked at the other girl, wondering if she also thought that it was strange to have a 'new Gwen'.
ReplyDeleteBryn gave Shiina a tiny nod. I'll talk to you later , she thought fiercely to Shiina. Aria huffed angrily and marched to the Dracoslyther table, sitting far away from the other Dracoslythers.
ReplyDeleteShiina nodded silently at the new girl and looked at Bryn. She had a slightly fierce look on her face, but she nodded at her friend as well, recognizing that look.
ReplyDeleteDamien gave Ada a small glance, then looked away. He didn't want to be reminded of Gwen. Bryn turned back to her meal, trying to avoid Alexa as her little cousin pranced after her happily.
ReplyDeleteAda ate her dinner without really tasting it. She didn't even spare a glance for the new students-- she just ate until she was tired of it, then stood and walked out of the Great Hall without a clue as to where she was going.
ReplyDeleteAlexandra smiles a mischievious smile at Bryn.
ReplyDeleteHenry sits at the Dracoslyther table and starts to eat.
ReplyDeleteAlexa throws a paper at Bryn saying "Can you help me with spells?" and just smiles.
ReplyDeleteDamien looked after her, not sure whether to go after the 5th Year or not. Making a decision because he had nothing else to do, he stuffed the last few mouthfuls of stuffed chicken and mashed potatoes into his mouth, gulped down his pumpkin juice, wiped his mouth and stood up. Damien gave Akinara and Haruyuki a friendly wave before turning and running after Ada.
ReplyDeleteBryn picked it up and growled at the paper. She ferociously scribbled "Shut up and ask Pollux or Leon" and used a spell to launch it across the room to her cousin.
ReplyDeleteLeon looked over at the new girl but remained silent. Kirino floated. Shiina stood up and left as well, robes billowing behind her, heading for the common room.
ReplyDeleteBefore running off sobbing Alexandra gives Bryn a letter from the Minister for Magic saying that Alexa's parents where attack by lethifolds and didn't make it through the night and that she must watch over her at school. (A tragic Irony LOL))
ReplyDeleteBryn rolled her eyes at the letter. Her parents had freakin abandoned her and tried to kill her. She'd rather her parents were dead. Alexa shouldn't be whining. She threw the letter into the fire and stood up to leave.
ReplyDeleteAda heard footsteps running after her; somehow she knew it would be Damien. Whipping her wand out, she turned and pointed it at him. "Dang it, Kumataka, what do you want? Can't a girl be depressed in peace?"
ReplyDeleteDamien shrugged. "Not really, when I care about her," he said, almost casually. "How did you know it was me, by the way? It could have been Shiina. Or Bryn. Or even Devin," he grimaced, imagining how his friend would have acted.
ReplyDeleteAda exhaled slowly, lowering her wand. "You're the only one that would follow me," she replied. "Or, at least, you've been pretty dependable in that. Although I hoped you wouldn't be your dependable self tonight." She stuffed her wand into her pocket and began to walk away. "I suppose, since you're here, you could continue being dependable, if you want. I was only going out to fly a little. You could join me."
ReplyDeleteDamien nodded. "You play quidditch?" He asked her conversationally as he followed her out to the Quidditch Field. "I play a bit, but I can't say I'm too good. The last time I played I nearly killed Shiina." He gave her a wry smile.
ReplyDelete(Comment at Quidditch Field!)