Accio - Summons an object to the caster, potentially over a significant distance. Opposite is Banishing Charm.
Aguamenti - Produces a jet of water from the caster's wand.
Alohomora- Used to open and/or unlock doors, but doors can be bewitched so that this spell has no effect.
Anapneo - Clears the target's airway, if blocked.
Aparecium - Makes invisible ink appear.
Avada Kedavra - Killing Curse. Instantly kills an opponent. Cannot be blocked. This is an Unforgivable Curse, and can send you to Azkaban.
Avis - This charm creates a flock of birds that pour forth from the caster's wand. When coupled with Oppugno, it can be used offensively.
Brakium Emendo - A charm used to heal bones.
Depulso - Banishing Charm. Opposite to "Accio". Banishes the object the spell is performed on.
Cave Inimicum - Spell used to strengthen an enclosure from enemies.
Colloportus - Magically locks a door, preventing it from being opened by Muggle means.
Confringo - Blasting Charm. Causes anything that the spell meets to explode in flames.
Confundo - Causes the victim to become confused, befuddled, overly forgetful and prone to follow simple orders without thinking about them.
Crucio - Cruciatus Curse. Inflicts unbearable pain on the recipient of the curse. The effects of the curse depend upon the desires and emotions of the character – to produce the "excruciating" pain implied by the name, one must desire to cause pain purely for its own sake or for fulfillment. This is also an Unforgivable Curse.
Defodio - Can carve or dig out materials, such as stone and steel.
Deletrius - Removes evidence of previous spells cast by the wand, revealed by Prior Incantato.
Densaugeo - Causes the teeth of the recipient to grow at an alarming rate.
Deprimo - A very powerful wind that can loosen and/or soften a variety of things; it can also be used to detach objects.
Descendo - To make things sink, or go down.
Diffindo - Cuts or rips objects.
Dissendium - Causes the statue of the humpbacked witch hiding the secret passage to Honeydukes, as well as other hidden passageways, to open.
Duro - Makes the object hard.
Engorgio - Causes objects to swell in size.
Episkey - Used to heal relatively minor injuries. When this spell is cast, the person feels his/her injured body part go very hot and then very cold.
Erecto - Used to erect something.
Evanesco - Makes the target vanish.
Excelsiosempra - Sends victim or object high up in to the air. Only counter spell is Accio.
Expecto Patronum - Conjures an incarnation of the caster's innermost positive feelings, such as joy, hope, or the desire to survive, known as a Patronus. A Patronus is conjured as a protector, and is a weapon rather than a predator of souls: Patronuses shield their conjurors from Dementors or Lethifolds, and can even drive them away.
Expelliarmus - Produces a jet of scarlet light. This spell is used to disarm another wizard, typically by causing the victim's wand to fly out of reach. It can also throw the target backwards when enough power is put into it. If it hits or gets close to another spell and if powerful enough it will deflect the spell, causing it to hit its caster.
Expulso - Causes an object to explode. The force of the explosion may depend on the intent of the caster.
Ferula - Creates a bandage and a splint.
Finite Incantatem - Cancels many spells or the effects of many spells.
Flagrate - With this spell, the caster's wand can leave fiery marks.
Furnunculus - Causes the target to become covered in boils.
Geminio - Creates a duplicate of any object upon which it is cast.
Glisseo - Causes the steps on a stairway to flatten and form a ramp or slide.
Homenum Revelio - Reveals humans near the caster.
Impedimenta - This powerful spell is capable of tripping, freezing, binding, knocking back and generally impeding the target's progress towards the caster.
Imperio - Imperius Curse. Causes the victim of the curse to obey the spoken/unspoken commands of the caster. This is one of the Unforgivable Curses.
Impervius - This spell makes something repel (literally) substances and outside forces, including water.
Incarcerous - Ties someone or something up with ropes.
Incendio - Produces fire. Flames burst out flying.
Langlock - Glues the victim's tongue to the roof of his/her mouth.
Legilimens - Allows the caster to delve into the mind of the victim.
Levicorpus - The victim is dangled upside-down by one of his/her ankles. Its counter curse is Liberacorpus.
Liberacorpus - The counter spell to Levicorpus.
Locomotor - Causes the named object to rise in the air and move around at the will of the caster.
Locomotor Mortis - Locks the legs together, preventing the victim from moving the legs in any fashion.
Lumos - Creates a narrow beam of light that shines from the wand's tip.
Meteolojinx Recanto - Causes weather effects caused by incantations to cease.
Mobiliarbus - Lifts a tree a few inches off the ground and levitates it to where the caster points his or her wand.
Mobilicorpus - Lifts a body a few inches off the ground and levitates it where the caster points his or her wand.
Muffliato - Keeps nearby people, or those to whom the wand is directed, from hearing nearby conversations.
Nox - Counter charm to the Lumos spell.
Obliviate - Used to hide a memory of a particular event.
Obscuro - Causes a blindfold to appear over the victim's eyes, obstructing his/her view of his/her surroundings.
Oppugno - Causes conjured objects to attack.
Orchideous - Makes a bouquet of flowers appear out of the caster's wand.
Petrificus Totalus - Used to temporarily bind the victim's body in a position much like that of a soldier at attention; this spell does not restrict breathing or seeing, and the victim will usually fall to the ground.
Piertotum Locomotor - Spell used to animate statues and suits of armour to do the caster's bidding.
Point Me - Causes the caster's wand tip to point to the north cardinal point, acting like a compass.
Portus - Turns an object into a portkey.
Prior Incantato - Causes the echo (a shadow or image) of the last spell cast by a wand to emanate from it.
Protego - The Shield Charm causes minor to strong jinxes, curses, and hexes to rebound upon the attacker, or at least prevents them from having their full effect.
Protego Horribilis - Provides some form of protection against Dark Magic.
Protego Totalum - Provides protection of some form for an area or dwelling.
Quietus - Makes a magically magnified voice return to normal.
Reducio - Makes an enlarged object smaller. Counter-charm to Engorgio.
Reducto - Enables the caster to explode solid objects.
Relashio - A charm used to force someone or something to release that which it holds or grapples by means of shooting fiery sparks out or, underwater, shooting hot bursts of water.
Rennervate - Brings someone out of unconsciousness.
Reparo - Used to repair broken or damaged objects.
Repello Muggletum - Keeps Muggles away from wizarding places by causing them to remember important meetings they missed and to cause the Muggles in question to forget what they were doing in the first place.
Rictusempra - The subject experiences the sensation of being tickled.
Riddikulus - A spell used when fighting a Boggart, "Riddikulus" forces the Boggart to take the appearance of an object upon which the caster is concentrating. When used correctly, this will be a humorous form.
Salvio Hexia - Provides some form of protection against hexes.
Scourgify - Used to clean something.
Sectumsempra - Violently wounds the target; described as being as though the subject had been "slashed by a sword".
Serpensortia - Conjures a serpent from the spell caster’s wand.
Silencio - Silences something immediately.
Sonorous - Magnifies the spell caster’s voice, functioning as a magical megaphone.
Specialis Revelio - Causes an object to show its hidden secrets or magical properties.
Stupefy - Puts the victim in an unconscious state.
Tarantellegra - Makes victim's legs dance uncontrollably, so the victim cannot control his or her movements.
Tergeo - Siphons material from a surface.
Vulnera Sanentur - Used to heal deep gashes.
Waddiwasi - Appears to launch small objects through the air.
Wingardium Leviosa - Levitates objects.